Lose Weight Through Better Sleep!

"The Sleep Doctor’s Diet Plan: Lose Weight through Better Sleep" is the latest gem I've found on the internet. This is very useful because I've been sleeping odd hours and my biological clocks is kind of messed up. I suspect this factor contributed to the rise of my weight over these few years. :p

Gonna get one to read to understand more about how sleep can help me improve my health!

The country’s best-known sleep expert presents the latest knowledge and research on how getting more shuteye can help women lose weight—and gain health, productivity, and happiness 
“Just like food, sleep is essential to your body and brain—if you don’t get enough of one, you’ll crave the other! Following Dr. Breus’s recipes for better sleep can help you shed pounds painlessly.”
— Mehmet Oz, MD, host of The Dr. Oz Show

Get the book on Amazon for only $11.55, with 28% savings of $4.44.

The Chinese version is  titled《靠睡覺燃燒脂肪,99%的人一定瘦!》recommended by Taiwanese beauty advisor Mr. Kevin on famous beauty talkshow《女人我最大》on 10 September 2012.

作者:麥可布勞斯(Michael Breus)
分類:Health / Fitness > Weight Loss
語言:Traditional Chinese(繁体中文)

睡觉也能減重!有这么好康的事?當然!因為你不知道 — 睡眠不足,会降低身体燃烧卡路里的能力,导致隔天多摄取 221 大卡,两周就让你胖 0.5公斤!每天睡不到 5 小时,会比每晚睡足 7 小时以上的人,平均胖了将近 3 公斤。把吃宵夜的时间拿来睡觉,不必节食,三餐照常吃,不用运动,一年自动瘦掉 5 公斤。

若想要瘦回去,每天只需要多睡 1 到 2 小时就好,对刚生完孩子的妈效果最显著。減重的关键不是你的饮食、也无关于运动,答案居然是「睡觉」!


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